Critical Infrastructure


The new challenges for the oil and gas industry have far-reaching consequences for operators of exploration, processing and transportation including sea vessels, trucks and pipelines. To adapt to these changes, operators need a knowledge based approach to achieve greater operational efficiency, improve environmental performance and address security vulnerabilities. TERRA 4D Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) software platform helps oil and gas companies:

  • Integrate operations applications into a single platform to manage complexity
  • Improve situation response times and minimize risk
  • Common operating picture enabling rapid situational awareness, management and real-time resolution
  • Geo-reference and correlate data from multiple security and safety subsystems and other systems to resolve a situation
  • Intuitive workflows remove operator randomness, reduce stress for the user during an incident and enforce compliance of company guidelines


Crude oil theft, potential terrorist attacks or sabotage, illegal refining and also dealing with spills and leakage have become increasingly serious problems, with long-term social, economic and far reaching environment consequences at installations around the world. More often than not, the necessary information related to a particular incident is not properly charted, and also the geographical region affected is not correlated and marked as high priority area!


TERRA 4D PSIM translates unstructured sensor and system data into structured data and shows it in geographical context offering superior real-time situational awareness. Gather enough data and patterns emerge. Patterns lead to new insights and content analytics to faster correlations, assisting safety officials make informed decisions on following protocol, the availability of resources, and where and if they should be deployed. Operators can fly through time and space having a virtual “birds eye view” from a remote location.